
Sexual and domestic violence, and human trafficking impact us all. Thus, we all have a part to play in addressing and preventing these complex issues. Please consider joining our team as a volunteer!
Persons who want to volunteer with Safe Harbor must complete an intensive 4-week training series, which will educate them about how to be a trauma-informed and an empathetic advocate for our clients. Trainings are offered three times per year (winter, spring, and fall).
Volunteers are organized into teams based on individual volunteer interest. The teams include:
- Children’s Advocacy Team — providing childcare at both the community office and emergency shelter
- Community Office Team — assisting with light administrative duties in our community office
- Community Outreach/Education Team — assisting with staffing Safe Harbor tables at events and/or community trainings related to Safe Harbor services
- Court Advocacy Team—assisting Safe Harbor staff in providing information and resources to survivors as they navigate the legal system
- House Team 1 (DV Shelter) — providing supportive services for residents of Safe Harbor’s emergency shelter
- House Team 2 (HT Shelter) — providing supportive services for residents of Safe Harbor’s human trafficking shelter
- Regional Hospital Accompaniment Response Team (RHART) — serves on-call and responds to local hospitals to accompany survivors of violence during medical and/or forensic exams
- Speaker’s Bureau Team — assisting with speaking engagements throughout the community
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please complete and submit a volunteer application and someone will be in touch within 5 business days with additional details.