by Safe Harbor Shelter | Jul 10, 2012 | Recent Media
Safe Harbor’s Kathleen Demro was on CBS6 WTVR’s “Virginia this Morning” Tuesday, July 3. Ms. Demro discussed the new law about strangulation that went into effect July 1 and why it matters to those surviving intimate partner violence. look for...
by Safe Harbor Shelter | Jun 28, 2012 | Recent Media
Safe Harbor’s Angela Verdery was interviewed live on WRIC8’s 5:30 p.m. broadcast June 26, 2012 to discuss the new law making strangulation a felony in Virginia. This law goes into effect July 1, 2012. This law adds another tool for law enforcement officers...
by Safe Harbor Shelter | Apr 24, 2012 | Recent Media
Great ideas. Positive energy. Willing to do the work. Stinson Mundy graduated from the Winter 2011 volunteer training class and immediately dove into her work as an advocate. Stinson has served on RHART and Public Relations Committee providing countless hours of...
by Safe Harbor Shelter | Apr 20, 2012 | Recent Media
We are so proud to work again this year with our amazing community partners to produce the annual Style Weekly sexual and domestic violence insert. The insert was published April 11, 2012. This year’s insert focused on sexual and domestic violence across the...
by Safe Harbor Shelter | Apr 17, 2012 | Updates & Changes
So often, the person who works behind the scene does not get due credit for the small things they do that have a huge impact. Angela Bridgeforth Behind the scenes work keeps Safe Harbor going. It may not be glamorous to sort donations, scan documents or make RHART...
by Safe Harbor Shelter | Apr 10, 2012 | Recent Media, State & National
The internet allows us to share information in ways we never imagined! Safe Harbor’s Public Information Manager Angela Verdery was featured on WTVR CBS6’s Virginia This Morning on Monday, February 20 discussing “Teen Dating Violence Awareness and...