Safe Harbor’s Beacon of Hope event will be held on Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 6:00pm, at Tuckahoe Women’s Club.

The Beacon of Hope Award was created by Safe Harbor in 2007 to recognize an outstanding individual or agency that has been instrumental in breaking the cycle of domestic violence, sexual assault or human trafficking within the Richmond community.

Our mission is to provide the support that survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault need to overcome their crisis and to transform their lives.  We envision that every person in our community can take pride in having safe homes and healthy relationships.

We officially opened our doors in April 2000 as an emergency shelter to provide safe housing for victims of domestic violence in imminent danger.  Today, our programs include:

  • Emergency Shelter for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault
  • Shelter for adult female human trafficking victims
  • Transitional Housing
  • Counseling for adults and teens who are survivors of sexual assault and domestic/dating violence, and children, age five and older, who witness violence involving a parent or guardian.
  • 24-Hour Crisis Hotline in partnership with YWCA
  • Court Advocacy
  • Regional Hospital Accompaniment Response Team (RHART)
  • Community Outreach, Education and Prevention

Our services are available to anyone who has experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, or human trafficking regardless of race, age, income, gender identity, faith, sexual orientation, and geographic location. Because abusers often withhold financial resources, all services are offered free of charge to the survivor.

Funds raised through this event will be used to support our programs and services.

If you would like to be a part of this inspirational and educational fundraising event, please consider being a table host. As a table host, you would invite seven (7) of your friends, co-workers, family, neighbors or anyone you know who would have an interest in supporting the work we are doing in our community. There is no cost to attend this event, but this is a fundraiser so there will be an “ask” the night of the event. For more information about being a table host, please contact Mary Maupai, Development Director, at 804-249-9470 ext. 17 or

With Much Thanks to our Sponsor of this Great Event!