
Since 2006, the University of Richmond has participated in the White Ribbon Campaign, the largest effort in the world of men working to end violence against women in all its forms.

It’s about bringing men together under a pledge never to commit, condone, or remain silent about violence towards women and girls. Violence impacts both women and men in different ways, and we must empower each other to end it.

spiderFrom the University:

“The mission of the WRC aligns with Richmond College’s elements of a positive image of masculinity, which includes acting with sound judgment, demonstrating a generosity of self, and living with confidence.”

Safe Harbor is excited and humbled to be a part of the White Ribbon Campaign, which will take place during the week of November 17–22. Members of the University of Richmond community will be invited to wear an “I pledge” bracelet and to carry the WRC pledge card. Participants can choose to “Walk the Commons in Her Shoes,” symbolically wearing red pumps to raise awareness about the serious causes, effects and ways we can remediate sexualized violence against women.

There will be a 5k “fun run” on Friday, November 21, as well as special events at the Spider men’s basketball game, where students can wear WRC shirts along with our athletes, showing Spider pride and solidarity in support of this cause.


Click here to learn more about the Ribbon Run 5k event!