1 out of 5 campus picSafe Harbor is continuing to support the University of Richmond and Virginia Commonwealth University in our shared mission to address and prevent sexual violence on campus.

We’re working hard to promote healthy relationships for all, by connecting college-age survivors of sexual violence to community resources that are available to help them.

Have you read Safe Harbor’s involvement with the Campus Alliance to End Violence? If not, check it out! As part of this collaboration, we are inviting all college-age survivors of sexual and domestic violence to join our upcoming student groups – even if you don’t attend UR or VCU.

UR 1
Students who have participated in previous group therapy sessions expressed that they felt reassured by knowing they are not alone.


12-Week Sexual Assault/Abuse Survivor Group:

Our sexual and domestic violence counselor Vanessa Durrant will begin a 12-week therapeutic group for students on Sept. 16. The confidential group meets at the Well on VCU’s campus, and students from other universities are encouraged to join.

Open the flyer below to learn more and email Vanessa@safeharborshelter.com by Sept. 15 to secure your spot.

Fall 2014 VCU UR SV Group Flyer


Kaylin Tingle is the new (and only) staff member at VCU who deals specifically with violence and LGBTQ relationships. She works at the Well on VCU’s campus, a great resource for students.


Healthy Relationship Skills Class for LGBTQ Students:

Healthy love is something for everyone! This group provides a new opportunity for students to improve their relationships and engage in insightful conversations about sexual and intimate partner violence in the student experience. Kaylin Tingle of VCU will  facilitate this group Friday afternoons, beginning in October. Open the flyer below for dates and times.

To register, contact Kaylin at tinglekm@vcu.edu by Oct. 6.

Relationship Skills Class Fall2014