Lindsay Detlie didn’t think her volunteer work at Safe Harbor would lead her to the Volunteer Engagement Team. This normally reserved soul didn’t expect to love meeting and engaging new volunteers while supporting existing volunteers to be her thing. It is.

I was looking for a way to sort out my interests and try to figure out what I was passionate about.

She found it. Lindsay and her fellow Volunteer Engagement Team members work with Community Organizing Manager Stacie Vecchietti to implement Safe Harbor’s volunteer program. This program encompasses 9 volunteer teams and 3 volunteer trainings annually reaching over 100 volunteers. The Volunteer Engagement Team is the “behind the scenes” team that keeps the volunteer program running. Lindsay is a huge piece of that.

The Volunteer Engagement Team members sort through countless volunteer applications (typically 30-50 are received for each volunteer training class), conduct phone interviews for all interested volunteers, perform end of training interviews with volunteers to connect them with their volunteer service teams, and generally work to ensure the volunteer program is completing its service to survivors of sexual and domestic violence.  

Lindsay is always willing to help. She conducts interviews for perspective volunteers, for those concluding their training, and for volunteers once they have begun their volunteer service (a “check-in” to provided support and assistance if needed). She provides feedback on ways to improve the volunteer training experience. She critically analyzes the volunteer program and seeks ways to improve the both the volunteer program and the volunteer experience. She sees this as the duty of those serving survivors.

Being entrusted with survivors’ stories is a powerful thing.

She takes that responsibility seriously. You can see that as she talks about the issues of sexual and domestic violence. You can see that as she interacts with new and current volunteers.

Anything that asks you to look at your own assumptions and prejudices, which you may not even be aware of, is a gift

Participants in Safe Harbor’s volunteer program find themselves frequently challenged through their training, service and every day lives. Lindsay and our other volunteers rise to this occasion. We are so grateful for them.

During the month of April, we will be highlighting each of Safe Harbor’s volunteer teams and a member of each team. We hope you’ll enjoy learning about the valuable service our volunteers provide to support those who have experienced sexual and/or domestic violence and our work to promote healthy relationships and healthy sexuality. We could not do all that we do without our dedicated volunteers!!! Thank you all for your support.

Previous Stories in the Series:

Spotlight on the House Team

Spotlight on the Community Education and Outreach Team

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