2012 Beacon of Hope Award

Susan Thweatt Named 2012 Beacon of Hope October 25, 2012 For media inquiries, contact Angela Verdery(angelav@safeharborshelter.com). Safe Harbor has named Susan Thweatt the honoree for the 2012 Beacon of Hope Award. Ms. Thweatt is a long-standing volunteer with the...

Safe Harbor Open House

Safe Harbor is hosting an Open House to share information about the agency’s programs. The Open House will take place Thursday, September 20 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the organization’s business office: 2006 Bremo Road, Ste 201, RVA 23226. Representatives from...

Healthy Sexuality Ad in Belle Magazine

Safe Harbor worked with our partners in the Metro Richmond Domestic and Sexual Violence Coordinating Committee to produce the second of three ads in Belle magazine. The ad for August focused on Healthy Sexuality and offered readers a forum for comments. The previous...
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