We’re teaming up with the YWCA Richmond to commemorate Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April, and we’re drawing attention to the importance of consent.
Sexual assault affects everyone, but we all have the power to prevent sexual violence in our community. “Defining Consent” is the first of a series of Brown Bag Lunch Discussions hosted by the YWCA, in partnership with SCAN for Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2014.
- Katie Copty works with a support group at VCU for survivors of sexual assault.
This panel discussion with attorneys, law enforcement and community advocates —including our own sexual and domestic violence counselor, Katie Copty — will provide a meaningful opportunity to better understand the complexities of sexual assault, even if you only have an hour lunch break.
This lunch panel is free and open to the public, but you can purchase a lunch if you like! RSVP is required, so click here to register.
For more detailed information about this event, please do not hesitate to contact Fatima Smith at the YWCA: fsmith@ywcarichmond.org.
If you can’t join us for lunch, please look for ways to support us through social media on our Facebook page: facebook.com/safeharborrva.