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Sexual Violence

Sexual Violence

Sexual violence means that someone experiences sexual activity that she or he did not consent to or did not want. If someone is being threatened, intimidated, forced, or pressured into sexual activity, then it is sexual violence. Consent cannot be given if a person is underage, drunk, high, unconscious, or physically or mentally incapacitated. A person can change her or his mind about sexual activity at any time and withdraw consent. (Adapted from “What is Sexual Violence?” Fact Sheet from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 2010)

Annual Impact Report

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Great experience and gained great amount of knowledge. Since this is so prevalent in today's society it is best to have the most information possible.
“I learned that I am as strong as I think I am, and that I am definitely a survivor.”
- T, domestic violence survivor
“Both my child and I have received counseling that has added to the quality of our life. I know that I am not alone, and that has made me a better parent.”
- I, domestic violence survivor
“I feel so fortunate to have found a program like Safe Harbor. I was greeted with smiles, a calming presence, and a place to heal and rebuild my life.Thank you!”
-M., domestic violence survivor
“Safe Harbor helped me to get a preliminary protective order against my abuser. Their services and support helped me to navigate the court system and feel more confident. I am very grateful for these resources and to know that I was not alone during this process.”
- M, domestic violence survivor
“It was very nice to have someone there to give me support while I was going through the process. She was very helpful and kind. I did not know that people like that existed anymore.”
- Survivor quote

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